Monday, June 21, 2010

Art News III Biennale design of Architecture 2010

A few days ago we published on the Platform Architecture III Architecture Biennale 2010 in Maracaibo, Venezuela. "Devil EXPERIENCES AND OPPORTUNITIES", taking place at the Centro de Belles Arts - Atone de Maracaibo and the Centro de Arte de Maracaibo Lie Bermudez.

This Sunday June 20 will open the second of three exhibitions, SPAIN: TRADEMARK. X BIENNALE SPANISH ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING 2009, this biennial exhibition consists of 35 projects of which 11 finalists are awarded. The original exhibition was placed simultaneously in several Spanish cities and was designed to carry, the projects were printed in sheets that could be taken by visitors. The exhibition in Maracaibo lab-larva coordinated within the framework of the BAM III, will be an abstraction of each project, this exhibition takes place through Habits Foundation. We think it is appropriate to include this exhibition within the activities of the biennial because it shows how other countries have taken advantage of the opportunities that can provide a historic moment.

On Monday June 21 follows the series of films with the film TEEN CAIN, of Roman, this is a Venezuelan film that tells the transfer of a mother and her child from a rural area to the city of Caracas in search of better opportunities work. This film is situated during the fifties, and discusses the rural exodus to the cities in Venezuela-Source-


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